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PEOs and Workers’ Compensation

PEOs and Workers’ Compensation 1024 535 Dominion Risk

Companies may need to work with professional employer organizations (PEOs) to obtain contract workers for several reasons—whether it’s to account for their seasonal production periods, fulfill large contracts or secure contract-to-hire positions. Yet, before using a PEO to acquire employees, it is important for employers to understand what the responsibilities are for each party involved and how they can negotiate the contracts for service.  As clients, employers must understand that—depending on what the contract states—they…

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Heat-Related Illness Safety Information

Heat-Related Illness Safety Information 1024 537 Dominion Risk

Heat and humidity can cause several different types of heat-related illnesses such as heat cramps, heat exhaustion and heat stroke. Knowing the signs and symptoms of each type of heat-related illness will help to keep you safe on the job. Normally, the body has ways of keeping itself cool by allowing heat to escape through the skin and evaporating sweat (perspiration). However, if the body does not cool down properly or does not cool down…

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hybrid workplace

Considering a Hybrid Work Model

Considering a Hybrid Work Model 1024 538 Dominion Risk

The pandemic has resulted in thousands of employees working from their kitchen tables or living rooms rather than the office or other workplaces. However, as more Americans receive a COVID-19 vaccination and organizations develop or update their return-to-work plans, some employees may still be eager to continue working remotely, even if just for a few days each week. Overview of Hybrid Workplaces Work flexibility is consistently cited as a post-pandemic trend and some employers are…

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Post Pandemic CHecklist

Post Pandemic CHecklist 1024 535 Dominion Risk

Now that companies are planning strategies to get back into the workplace, safety and risk concerns are top of mind. Has your business or supply chain been impacted by COVID? Are you worried about how to help employees return to work safely? Are you worried about new rules or types of liability in the post-pandemic workplace? Are your network, computers, and information safe after employees have used improvised workspaces? Do you have someone to help…

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safe driver

Commit to Safety with a Company Distracted Driving Policy

Commit to Safety with a Company Distracted Driving Policy 1024 538 Dominion Risk

April is Distracted Driving Awareness Month. Commit to safe driving with a company-wide safe driving policy. Here’s a sample you can download and use from the National Safety Council. We deeply value the safety and wellbeing of all employees and are committed to ensuring a safe working environment. With the proliferation of electronic device and in-vehicle infotainment system use while driving, coupled with the myths surrounding a person’s ability to multitask, we enforce the following…

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Safe Driving Quiz

Safe Driving Quiz 1024 535 Dominion Risk

April is Distracted Driving Awareness Month. How much do you and your employees know about distracted driving? Want to see the answers? Yes, show me the answers Quiz courtesy of National Safety Council. Download a printable version here.

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