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Preparing for an OSHA Visit

Preparing for an OSHA Visit 150 150 Dominion Risk

Use the guidelines below to help prepare for an OSHA inspection. What triggers an OSHA inspection? An OSHA inspection can be triggered by any of the following: Planned inspection Complaint National/local emphasis program (e.g., lead, amputations) Site-specific targeting program (high incident rate sites) Follow-up on a previous inspection Imminent danger Fatality What comprises an OSHA inspection? Recordkeeping OSHA 300 logs from the last five years (or records of work-related injuries and illnesses) OSHA 301 forms…

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Worker’s Comp Insights: Prompt Claims Reporting

Worker’s Comp Insights: Prompt Claims Reporting 150 150 Dominion Risk

The Importance of Prompt Claims Reporting The rising cost of claims presents a significant challenge for employers today. However, there is a simple strategy that can significantly reduce your claims costs: report all claims promptly. In fact, the sooner a claim is reported, the lower the cost is likely to be. Beyond cost, reporting claims promptly can help avoid unnecessary conflict with insurance companies, ensure a proper investigation, preserve employee morale and maintain compliance. Minimize…

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October is National Cyber Security Awareness Month

October is National Cyber Security Awareness Month 150 150 Dominion Risk

The frequency and severity of cyber attacks continues to grow, and businesses of all sizes should consider their risks during National Cyber Security Awareness Month. Make sure to ask these four questions when you create a cyber security plan at your business: 1. Who is in charge of updating hardware and software at your business? Is there a plan in place to roll out updates, and who has administrative access to your systems? 2. If…

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Preventing Distracted Driving

Preventing Distracted Driving 150 150 Dominion Risk

Risk is Inevitable, Be Prepared. Did you know? A recent study from the University of Minnesota found that talking on a cell phone while driving impairs one’s ability even more than driving while intoxicated. Talking on a cell phone and other driver distractions pose a major hazard to everyone on the road. Here are key steps to minimize risks of distraction while driving: Do not talk on your cell phone or use the text messaging…

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Introduction of Our Vision Statement

Introduction of Our Vision Statement 150 150 Dominion Risk

Introduction of Dominion Risk Advisors Vision Statement From the creation of Dominion Risk Advisors in 2010, we have followed our Core Principles. Clear standards empower us to make the right decisions for all stakeholders -our clients, each other, our families, and our communities. We re-visit these principles regularly and hold each other accountable. As we start our ninth year in business, we are ready to build upon these principles and create our Vision for Dominion…

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Service Line Insurance Coverage

Service Line Insurance Coverage 150 150 Dominion Risk

You may have received letters from your local utilities (water and sewer authority or the power company) offering to protect the underground lines that deliver your utility service. Many homeowners are surprised to learn that they are responsible for repairs to these lines. These communications have generated questions from our clients and they have prompted many insurance companies to respond. Service Line Coverage Until recently, homeowners’ policies excluded coverage for damaged utility lines. As you…

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