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The New Age of Financial Fraud: Understanding Risks in Electronic Banking

The New Age of Financial Fraud: Understanding Risks in Electronic Banking 1024 536 Dominion Risk

Business Fraud in the Digital Age: Part 1 Over the past decade, businesses have been moving their payment and treasury services to the cloud, online banking systems, and to electronic payments. That has led to an entirely new set of exposures to fraud. Ironically, there is also a surge in forgery claims as people have sought to pay bills with checks to avoid cyber-related fraud. The banking and payments system is constantly evolving and so…

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Virginia Driver Alert Program Helps Keep Your Business Safe

Virginia Driver Alert Program Helps Keep Your Business Safe 1024 536 Dominion Risk

As you may have heard, insurance premiums have been increasing because of the impact of supply chain disruption, general inflation, and medical inflation. We encourage you to take control. A good risk management program includes a good driver selection and qualification program. Virginia offers an inexpensive, effective tool as a part of this program – the Driver Alert Voluntary Driving Record Monitoring Program. This program allows employers to proactively receive notifications regarding changes or new…

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Trench Safety Stand-down Week is June 19-23

Trench Safety Stand-down Week is June 19-23 1024 534 Dominion Risk

Trench Safety Stand-down (TSSD) Week is scheduled for June 19-23, 2023. Each year, the National Utility Contractors Association (NUCA) holds this event to encourage employers to talk to their employees about trench safety and reinforce the importance of utilizing protective systems (e.g., sloping, shoring and shielding) to safeguard workers from trenching and excavation hazards. The event coincides with Trench Safety Month, which takes place throughout the month of June. This article provides more information on…

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auto insurance

Property and Casualty Industry Posts Largest Q1 Underwriting Loss on Record

Property and Casualty Industry Posts Largest Q1 Underwriting Loss on Record 1024 535 Dominion Risk

U.S. property and casualty (P&C) insurers suffered a $7.34 billion net underwriting loss in the first quarter of 2023, driven primarily by some of the worst personal lines results in recent memory, according to a new analysis from S&P Global. The underwriting loss—the industry’s “first and largest” loss in 12 years—and a combined ratio of 102.2% marked a big swing from the first quarter of 2022 when the P&C insurance industry achieved a net underwriting…

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damaged property

Insurance Industry Paper Warns of the Hardest Property Market In a Generation

Insurance Industry Paper Warns of the Hardest Property Market In a Generation 1024 536 Dominion Risk

Insurance buyers face the hardest property insurance market in a generation, with historic inflation and skyrocketing natural disaster losses causing “significant pressure,” according to a new report from the American Property Casualty Insurance Association (APCIA). “The U.S. property casualty insurance industry is facing significant pressure from rising economic inflation, legal system abuse, supply chain constraints, increasing catastrophic weather driving up losses, and historic cost increases for reinsurance and other forms of capital,” said Karen Collins,…

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Property Market update

Property Market update 1024 536 Dominion Risk

Recent events have changed the trajectory of the E&S marketplace, especially for catastrophe-exposed property accounts. While it looked as though 2023 would bring a deceleration of rate increases, factors including CAT weather events, inflation, valuations, and reinsurance renewals have changed this path and we find ourselves in a continued hard property market for the foreseeable future. 2023 Catastrophic Property Events Whether you blame climate change or bad luck, catastrophic weather events have played a major…

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